I learned something today, something I should have learned a REALLY long time ago (actually I did I just never really paid attention to it).
Currently, I am working on a small project composed of two portraits of my two main villans, Robyn and Raz. This project, "Evil Pickle Villans" mainly is for grins, nothing really serious. I started Robyn last night before I trotted off to work, leaving the portrait in the basic base form. This morning I went to work on it, really motivated to actually get back into digitally painting again only I kept "screwing up". Her face wasn't working right, the proportions were all over the place, and her skin was just blech! So after repainting for the fifth time I ended up with this.

I absolutely hated this picture out of frustration and anger. It wasn't doing what I wanted.
So I stepped back for some time, crocheting a blanket for a friend then working on a scarf pattern for myself before I came back to try it again.
You know, sometimes you just have to stand back and do something else.

Much happier. My only regret is she looks like Natalie Portman in a way. Grrr...
Moral of the day is just cuz it looks like crap in the beginning doesn't mean it's gonna still be crap later on if you put some effort into it.